How to use special Touch App Latest version download Free 2024

Today, I want to introduce you to an amazing app that will change how you use your smartphone. With Spatial Touch, you can scroll through TikTok videos in 3D without even touching your phone. Let’s dive into what makes this app so special.

Immersive 3D Experiences

Spatial Touch revolutionizes your Android device by allowing you to touch, feel, and interact with 3D experiences like never before. It transforms your smartphone or tablet into a gateway to explore virtual settings and engage with objects in a whole new way.

No More Flat Interfaces

Gone are the days of boring, flat interfaces. Spatial Touch brings a new level of immersion where you can play games, explore virtual tours, and learn in ways that feel real and interactive.

Hands-Free Control

Imagine controlling your media apps without touching the screen. Spatial Touch uses AI-powered hand gestures, allowing you to navigate TikTok, Instagram, Netflix, and more with ease. It’s perfect for situations like eating or watching a movie with your device on the table.

Advanced Haptic Feedback

One of the standout features of Spatial Touch is its haptic feedback technology. It makes virtual objects feel realistic—whether it’s the texture of a sculpture or the roughness of a stone surface.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Air Gestures: Control media playback, adjust volume, navigate content, and scroll using air gestures, all without touching your screen.
  2. Remote Control: Operate your device from up to 2 meters away, adapting to different environments effortlessly.
  3. Gesture Recognition: Minimize false detections with advanced hand filters that you can adjust for better performance.
  4. Background Auto-Start: Spatial Touch seamlessly integrates with apps like YouTube and Netflix, starting automatically when needed and running discreetly in the background.
  5. Enhanced Security: Your privacy is ensured with Spatial Touch. It operates locally on your device and does not store or transmit images or videos externally.

Motion Tracking and Customization

Spatial Touch goes beyond touch—it supports motion tracking, allowing you to move your device to interact with virtual items or play virtual instruments. Plus, you can customize settings like haptic feedback, touch sensitivity, and motion controls to suit your preferences.

Embrace a New Dimension

With Spatial Touch, you’re not limited to a flat, 2D experience. Embrace a rich, interactive 3D world right from your smartphone. It’s a game-changer in how you perceive and interact with technology.

Download Now!

Ready to experience Spatial Touch for yourself? Download the app today and discover a whole new way to engage with your device. Click the download button below and unlock a new perspective on technology. Thank you for your time!


Spatial Touch opens up a world of possibilities with its innovative approach to smartphone interaction. Whether you’re browsing TikTok in 3D, exploring virtual environments, or enjoying hands-free media control, this app enhances your digital experience in ways you never thought possible.

Get Started Today

Don’t miss out on the future of smartphone technology. Download Spatial Touch now and transform your device into a portal of immersive 3D experiences. Click the download button below to embark on this exciting journey. Thank you for your interest!